
Monday, June 13, 2005

Careful with that axe, Howard Dean.

Man, things just keep getting better and better.

You know you’re off to a good day when you see these headlines, side-by-side, in your local paper...
Pink Floyd reunites for Live 8

Published June 13, 2005
LONDON -- Pink Floyd's classic lineup will play at July's London Live 8 concert, band members' first performance together in more than 20 years, event organizers said Sunday.

Guitarist David Gilmour, drummer Nick Mason, bassist Roger Waters and keyboard player Richard Wright have not performed on stage together since Waters split after a band spat in the 1980s.

"Any squabbles Roger and the band have had in the past are so petty in this context, and if reforming for this concert will help focus attention then it's going to be worthwhile," Gilmour said.
So as I’m rambling along, humming the all-too-appropriate…
Hey you, Whitehouse,
Ha ha charade you are.
You house proud town mouse,
Ha ha charade you are
You're trying to keep our feelings off the street.
You're nearly a real treat,
All tight lips and cold feet
And do you feel abused?
And this, which still gets my vote hands-down for the perfect Moderate GOP Anthem...
What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes.
Now things are really what they seem.
No, this is no bad dream.
When what do I see a couple or columns over but this…
Dean blasts GOP over voting rights
Support for 1965 law must be first step to court blacks, he says

By Brendan McCarthy and Jeff Zeleny
Tribune staff reporters
Published June 13, 2005
Until President Bush and top Republicans reaffirm their support for the Voting Rights Act, they should stop courting black voters and showing up in black churches, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Sunday.

Dean, speaking in Chicago at a Rainbow/PUSH Coalition conference, also labeled the Fox News Channel a propaganda machine and sharply criticized the Republican Party, which he said has yet to support reauthorizing certain provisions of the Voting Rights Act that expire in 2007.

"I think it's hypocritical for the Republicans to pretend to reach out to the African-American community unless they say they are going to reauthorize what gave the African-American community political power," Dean said in an interview. "I'd love to have the president say whether he's going to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act."

Dean said Republicans should not "pretend" to be genuinely interested in courting African-Americans until the party makes a clear statement on the Voting Rights Act.

"The chairman of the Republican Party, as you know, has made a big deal about attracting African-American voters," Dean said to people attending the conference. "And this is a litmus test. If you aren't going to support the extension of the Voting Rights Act, I don't know what right you have to go to a black church and show your face."
Cheney called Dean "over the top" and "not the kind of individual you want to have representing your political party," according to the Associated Press.
Tracey Schmitt , spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, said Sunday that anger should not be an agenda.

"Howard Dean can attack Republicans till he is blue in the face," Schmitt said in a telephone interview. "But we remain committed to growing and expanding the Republican Party. He can focus on throwing mud and making headlines, and we will continue to focus on making inroads in minority communities."
When a thoroughly vile thug like Cheney – who cranked up the fear-meter to a rolling boil and then warned the nation he had frightened that to vote for Kerry was to risk having terrorists murder you and your children – calls you “over the top”, you know you’re doing something right.

After five years of fake terror alerts, calling critics “traitors”, scaring the living hell out of people to win elections, ever more tax cuts for billionaires when you are already billions in debt, the memorable Swift Boat Social Security “Granny’s a Fag Loving/Troop Hating Whore” Liars ad campaign, lies-lies-and-more-lies about Iraq, Terry Schiavo and an all-out War on the Judiciary climaxing with thinly veiled threats and and calling non-Christopath Judges worse that terrorists (Insert you own list of Top 20 List of Republican Treacheries here)…then some dizzy bitch speaking for the RNC actually says that, “anger is not an agenda and her pin-head doesn’t implode in cloud of pink cloud of meat, bone and hypocrisy…you have to fall down laughing AND you know you’re doing something right.

(Although I’m forced to agree to this extent: Anger is not the WHOLE Republican agenda. There’s also xenophobia, paranoia, whining victim mentality, criminal fiscal irresponsibility, hatred of Science, “magical thinking” and a worship of Ignorance all wired together with cancerous cult ideology founded on a debased and perverted view of Christianity. So they've got that goin' for them.)

Pink Floyd and Howard Dean, both before my first cuppa coffee, so you know its going to be a righteous day.

And to be crystal clear, when Dean tells the Christopath GOP, "One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces!"...

...Howard Dean speaks for me.


  1. Puh-REACH thayt raghteous word, brothah Drift! YAY-yus, I cin FEE-yul the POW-ah!

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The very idea that I could go a day without reading your latest is intolerable. Lay it on man. The Totally Corrupt and Imbecilic GOP has to be exposed for what they are and you are doing your little bit.


  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Stunning. Each day's writing is better than the last. I'm glad I've been reading since you launched, to appreciate the full trajectory.

    PS- Do you think Roger's gotten over growing up in England yet? It would be nice for him to stay together with the boys and do what they do best.

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    You think they'll ever understand that railing against the supposed madman Dean alerts people to his existence who wouldn't otherwise know? And then they hear what he says and ...


  5. Would they sick Cheney on Dean if they weren't afraid of him?

    Methinks not.

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Apropos of nothing (or of something else), Drifty, I beseech not go "there." You know where I mean....where you spoke of Yeats and being flamed. Do not go there, I beg you. As Gertrude Stein said, "There's no there there."

    So don't go there.

    I'll never ask for anything else.

    And by the way.....CNN sure did stick Nancy Grace in the corner after the Jacko acquittal.

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

    Mohandas Gandhi

    Gawd, driftglass, I admire your tenacity: if I had to watch these cretins doing their Sunday morning lemming cheer I'd have done an Elvis on my teevee long before I made it to Faux.

    It's a filthy job, and you have no idea how grateful I am that you're willing to do it.

    This rising note of hysteria is the plainest possible evidence that the Juggernaut's wheels are wobbling. It also speaks volumes about the blind hubris of the Sunday gaggle that they believe anyone could listen to their fatuous burbling on how to "save" the Democratic Party without remembering how much they've done to destroy it.

    I could almost feel sorry for them: It's a gigantic game of "After you, my dear Alphonse" as to who will be the first to speak the truth. Do it too soon, and the Bushies will destroy your career, wait too long and you've lost those last (mostly illusory) shreds of credibility.

    Once the stampede starts, it should get interesting.

  8. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Yes. Howard as pissed-off Pterodactyl-Gamecock-Phoenix, works for me!

    Let's come up with a
    "standardized test" for "applicants" to public office:

    "Here, John or Jane Doe; whiz in the tube and we'll send it to the lab to see if there's enough "vinegar" in your piss, and we mean, OUTRAGE!"

    "Woops! Sorry. Yours is only in the 99% range.


  9. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Keep 'em coming, Drifty.

    You are SO right on.

  10. All and sundry,
    Thank you for the kind words, here and off-line.

    us blues
    I agree: I just wish the boys would quit screwing around and do what they do…even if Radiohead is doing it now.
    And c’mon; bring Syd Barrett back for ONE set.

    Uh, well I really just read a ton of stuff – more back when I had more free time – and what influenced what I have no idea.
    I read a lot of Harlan Ellison and Kurt Vonnegut, but also Ayn Rand. I like poetry, esp English Romantic. Very useful for a writer to understand poetry.
    Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould. (both of whom I miss a lot) who I really admired for their ability to write clearly and well about science.
    Hemingway. I like Raymond Carver very much.
    Elmore Leonard. Isaac Babel. Always, always Hunter Thompson.
    Octavia Butler.
    Edgar Poe. Conan Doyle, but only the “Holmes” canon.
    Marquez. Shakespeare. Dickens…but Dickens is a commitment, and I don’t have that kind of time anymore.
    Spider Robinson, who I wish would write more.
    Stephen King, until I lost my taste for him. The Bible. And lots and lots of science fiction.
    Who knows? Just whatever interests me this year.
    I usually take my little red wagon down to the Library and drop of the non-keepers once a year or so, and its usually full.

  11. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Ayn Rand? AYN RAND?!?

    Please tell us it was just a phase, or that you were just doing some research for a survey of the foulest crimes ever committed on English prose.

  12. prof fate,
    A phase.
    At the time I wanted a nice, abstract Theory of Everything into which the world would neatly fit.
    Before that, it was Socialism.
    Before that I did a little time with the Church Camp Crowd.

    I found a some useful ideas in each place, but the dangerous goofyness of the dogma always killed the party.

    Still, comes in very handy in a
    "Know your enemy and know yourself" kind of way. Whipping out that Ayn Rand was rabidly Pro Choice AND thought religious-types were more dangerous than commies has a very salutory effect during arguement with Republicans who haven't even bothered to read their own literature :-)

  13. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Sounds like it's almost as much fun as pointing out how the Iraq War and occupation looks more than a bit like her definition of "evil" altruism.

    I'll say this for Rand: Execrable writer that she was, at least she was (mostly) consistent in her principles. You have to wonder how she'd view the current alliance between what she once described as a "persecuted minority" (big business) and the American Taliban.

  14. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Drift, you really, really, really need to read James Roberts Baker. He wrote one of the _best_ novels about rock and roll ever--FUEL-INJECTED DREAMS, and you guys must share the same authorial/stylistic DNA. The last time I re-read FID, I could swear I was reading some of your stuff--:)

  15. Anonymous7:47 AM

    US Blues - The boys are all about 60 these days. What they do best is probably take a nap in the afternoon.

    Me, I wish bands like this would stay split up and not risk breaking the spell.

  16. Anonymous4:35 PM

    If Driftglass is channeling anybody, it would have to be Jonathan Swift. The scatalogical humor, the metaphors so sure that they wink at you before they hit you right between the eyes, the genuine compassion, and the fine, righteous anger.

    Gilliard the Bludgeon and Driftglass the Impaler.

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