
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

This goes out from 50-trillion-Cent Dick…

…to all the Nixon homeys who didn’t make it.

This from BBC News World Edition -- emphasis added to ONE word by me...

Tuesday, 31 May, 2005, 23:36 GMT 00:36 UK

Bush says Amnesty report 'absurd'

George Bush said the US "promotes freedom"

The human rights group described the US Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba as "the gulag of our time".

There have been allegations that guards at the camp had desecrated the
Koran, prompting protests in Muslim countries.

But Mr Bush said on Tuesday: "The United States is a country that promotes freedom around the world."

"I'm aware of the Amnesty International report and it's absurd, it's an absurd allegation," the president said during a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House.

"In terms of the detainees, we've had thousands of people detained, we've investigated every single complaint," he said.

The report from the London-based human rights group followed allegations made by former detainees at Guantanamo Bay and other US facilities across the world.

Mr Bush said its accusations therefore stemmed from "people who hate
America, people that have been trained in some instances to disassemble, that means not tell the truth".

But Amnesty hit back. Executive director William Schulz said: "What is 'absurd' is President Bush's attempt to deny the deliberate policies of his

"What is 'absurd' and indeed outrageous is the Bush administration's failure to undertake a full independent investigation."

It’s always a very special -- nay, a treasured moment – at Castle Driftglass when someone tries to teach Preznit Fredo a New Big Word. When he romps onto the world stage without his radio-controlled Underoos, all eager and frisky and dumb and not only says it completely wrong, but then goes on to actually explain the word that he just eviscerated – the one that Karl or Dick has just taught him to sound out -- as if he had just broken the Mayan Codex or single-handedly mapped the genome of the Beluga whale.

The gatos and I all gather ‘round the wireless very much like I imagine my grandparents would have done for a Roosevelt Fireside Chat. I pour a couple of fingers of the good scotch, and bask it the warm glow that comes with knowing that one is living through history.

Millions can say that they were alive during the moment when the human race stood still and watch one of our own kind walk on the surface of the Moon. And some few remain alive who remember first-hand the sting of battle during the War that was supposed to have Ended All Wars.

And I can say that I lived to see the single stupidest human being ever to occupy the White House not only elected but re-elected and carried cheering into office by an army of chittering inbreeders who think teaching science is an affront to God.

Stupid and a colossal liar and has dragged us into a bloody war on what were completion fictitious reasons and has run up more debt than any man in history: seriously, it’s that a helluva combo? Doesn’t he easily bid fair to be the worst President in history? And for those of you who have maye always wondered who in their right minds would have ever elected, say, a rabid madman like George Wallace, take a good look around, ‘cause baby, your soaking in it!

But this article also features something that makes it extra special; something I have to think Dick Cheney did deliberately as a shout out to all of his old Watergate homeys to celebrate of the outing of Deep Throat after lo’ these many years.

A genuine, vintage 1973 non-denial, denial.


The Amnesty report has already provoked a robust reaction from the US top military officer General Richard Myers and Vice President Dick Cheney.

"I think the fact of the matter is the United States has done more to advance the cause of freedom, has liberated more people from tyranny over the course of the 20th century and up to the present day than any other nation in the history of the world," said the vice president.

He is, of course, sort of correct. We have indeed done many generous, liberating things for many people around the globe. And taken in the aggregate – the 20th century and lumping in your own, few disasterous years -- it totals up well in our favor.

The problem is, well, what the FUCK did you and Curious George have to do with WWI or WWII or Kosovo, or Korea? What did you have to do with Vietnam for that matter, except run from it like the Wicked Witch of the West from a SuperSoaker firing squad when your country called on you to help?

Reiterating the accomplishments of your predecessors has nothing to do with your present situation, and really only serves to underscore how sunk-to-the-hips in lies and death and more lies and more death you have finally become. How cavalierly you and your Neocon reacharound buddies have pissed away the global respect and goodwill a century of far better men than you had worked so hard to store up.

Our nation’s good name; just another Amex card that George inherited from his betters, cashed out, squeezed dry and shitcanned. Just another drunken mess for the help to clean up

So nice try, Dick. Really throwing down some old school dance moves.

As opposed to Dear Leader, who’s being just being dis-igneous.

Which, by the way, means “dumb as a fucking rock.”


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    And the really, truly, picture-in-the-dictionary definition of irony is the fact that AI's documentation of Saddam's abuse of his own people was the one and only "reason for war" that held the least bit of water at all.

    Disassemble that!

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "You sound like you also probably don't believe Cheney's assertion that we'll be out of Iraq before the end of this Administration."

    Oh my God ! That can mean only one thing... There won't be another election.

  3. We have indeed done many generous, liberating things for many people around the globe. And taken in the aggregate – the 20th century and lumping in your own, few disasterous years -- it totals up well in our favor.

    The problem is, well, what the FUCK did you and Curious George have to do with WWI or WWII or Kosovo, or Korea? What did you have to do with Vietnam for that matter, except run from it like the Wicked Witch of the West from a SuperSoaker firing squad when your country called on you to help?

    Reiterating the accomplishments of your predecessors has nothing to do with your present situation....

    That's one of the biggest propaganda techniques the right wing uses to distort the truth -- wrapping themselves up in the mantle of earlier Americans who did good.

    For example, the right is trying to trumpet how THEY were on the side of civil rights for blacks, even though (as you've rightly pointed out) they would have been on the side of the segregationists back then. Here are some of the arguments they make:

    - "The GOP is the party of Lincoln, while the Democrats were the party that promoted segregation."

    (Factually true, but what they don't mention is that both parties pretty much switched places and that the old Dixiecrats jumped to the GOP after the Civil Rights era.

    - "It was Christians who played a role in freeing the slaves in the 1860's and pushing through civil rights in the 1960's."

    (Yeah, they were Christians, but they weren't right-wing fundies. There were many Christians among the civil rights supporters, but there were also many Christians among the segregationist side. Likewise, in World War II, many of the Nazi collaborators were Christians, but so were many of the people who helped rescued Jews. The fact that you profess to be a "Christian" doesn't mean squat in and of itself.)

  4. The worst thing he said was the beginning of the same disassemble sentence, right before"people who hate America, people that have been trained in some instances to disassemble, that means not tell the truth"
    The sentence began, "It seemed like to me they [Amnesty International] based some of their decisions on the word of and the allegations by people that were held in detention, people who hate America..." In other words, Amnesty Interfuckingnational had the audacity to listen to prisoners! What's next, taking Solzhenitsyn's word over Stalin's!!

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    What I likes about hearing junior speak the King's english, is that here's this guy, along with SO many of the republicans, that is sweaty-thighed eager to dismantle public education and turn our public school system into a BurgerKing training progam, who was "educated" at Phillips Academy, Yale, and Harvard, whose supporters get glassy-eyed-orgasmic at the idea of "Charter Schools" and who froth at the mouth at their own apocalyptic rants about kids who can't spell "cat" or do enough math to make change at Hardee's...these people ignore that their hero is this willfully illiterate asshole who savages the english language like a 15 foot Saltie going after a fat Darwin tourist.

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    And, TrueBlue, as has been pointed out, junior's problems with Amnesty International, are rather selective.

    When they were hammering Saddam, or Castro, or any dictator who wouldn't commit his countries' welfare to the higher ethic of busting 10,000 on the Dow Jones, they were fucking veritable oracles of wisdom.

    Like Moses, they were, carrying the ten commandments.

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