
Monday, May 30, 2005

I guess when you live inside one of these…

You don’t dare move.

Once upon a time, Republican’s were known to have consciences. Even the most conservative among them would rise up from time to time over matters of principle.

Consider this statement from Representative Lawrence Hogan, a Republican from Maryland, from over thirty years ago, as the Watergate scandal was coming to a head:
“The thing that's so appalling to me is that the President, when this whole idea was suggested to him, didn't, in righteous indignation, rise up and say, "Get out of here, you're in the office of the President of the United States. How can you talk about blackmail and bribery and keeping witnesses silent? This is the presidency of the United States." But my President didn't do that. He sat there and he worked and worked to try to cover this thing up so it wouldn't come to light.”
Consider that statement made by an agonized man when he was confronted with evidence that the leader of his Party had lied to the country, while you read this from the Sunday Times:

The Sunday Times - Britain

May 29, 2005

RAF bombing raids tried to goad Saddam into war

THE RAF and US aircraft doubled the rate at which they were dropping bombs on Iraq in 2002 in an attempt to provoke Saddam Hussein into giving the allies an excuse for war, new evidence has shown.

The attacks were intensified from May, six months before the United Nations resolution that Tony Blair and Lord Goldsmith, the attorney-general, argued gave the coalition the legal basis for war. By the end of August the raids had become a full air offensive.

The details follow the leak to The Sunday Times of minutes of a key meeting in July 2002 at which Blair and his war cabinet discussed how to make “regime change” in Iraq legal.

The briefing paper prepared for the July meeting — the same document that revealed the prime minister’s agreement during a summit with President George W Bush in April 2002 to back military action to bring about regime change — laid out the American war plans.

They opted on August 5 for a “hybrid plan” in which a continuous air offensive and special forces operations would begin while the main ground force built up in Kuwait ready for a full-scale invasion.

The Ministry of Defence figures, provided in response to a question from Sir Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, show that despite the lack of an Iraqi reaction, the air war began anyway in September with a 100-plane raid.

The systematic targeting of Iraqi air defences appears to contradict Foreign Office legal guidance appended to the leaked briefing paper which said that the allied aircraft were only “entitled to use force in self-defence where such a use of force is a necessary and proportionate response to actual or imminent attack from Iraqi ground systems”.

George Bush had pretty clearly decided to go to war against Iraq about five minutes after “Fat Tony” Scalia anointed him President in 2001. Probably even earlier than that. Probably the day his Daddy was humiliated by Bill Clinton, GW said to himself, “Some day when I’m all grows up, if I can stay sober long enough, I’mna git that Saddam fella. Show him and Daddy and them fucking Liberals who the Big Man is.”

Now add the substance of the “Downing Street Memo” to the scale.

Go back and add the ignored warnings of a pending terrorist attack.

Add in the lies told by “Curveball”.

The lies told before Congress.

The lies told in front of the UN.

The lies in the State of the Union Address.

The lies during the Presidential Debates.

The lies about torture and murder and “extraordinary rendition.”

There’s one helluva long list of lies to choose from -- just pick a half dozen of your favorites.

So to the many Moderate Republicans who are angling for their tiny places in history – for the elementary school cafeterias and highway on-ramps that they hope will one day be named for them – I would ask in all seriousness just how in the Hell do you think history will judge you?

At this point, you know the Administration was and is lying to you.
You know that our children are dying for those lies and the treasure-house of respect and honor that two centuries of successive Administration have carefully stored up is now being pissed away into the sands of Iraq.
You know that liars and thugs are being appointed to vital, high-profile jobs.
You know the courts are being packed with ultra right wing lunatics.

You are the same people and belong to the same Party that was more than happy to spend tens of millions of dollars going after Clinton on the whiff of a hint of a suggestion of something untoward, and you were quite willing to sit at that fishing hole and lob dynamite into it for seven long years until you knocked something loose.

In light of that, what I don’t quite understand is how you’re going to explain to posterity how you refused to bother to even investigate any of this. How you’re going to sell “I never knew” and “I never bothered to find out” to the history books as anything other that rank cowardice and towering hypocrisy once the multiple, interlocking Bush Ponsi Schemes fall apart, given how much evidence of wrongdoing is right there in front of you.


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    For history to judge a man harshly those writing it must render such a verdict. The writers of history often reflect the thinking of a nation's populace, prodded into a rumination heavily influenced by the sentiments of the many. I don't see Bush suffering too badly under the microscope of future historians. We are a nation of xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, militaristic half-wits. The citizenry mostly agrees with the psychopaths in the White House. Our schools churn out millions unable or unwilling to read or write. Most of the population is content to swill beer, ogle porn and worship NASCAR drivers. These are the people historians will appeal to in their tomes, exposing Bush as a murdering, criminal vulgarian? Please, it's not going to happen. Think of the query "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a crashing sound?". If historians judge Bush badly but no one pays attention to their verdict have they made a sound?

  2. The citizenry mostly agrees with the psychopaths in the White House.

    You're wrong on three counts.

    First, have a care slinging "most" around too easily. Around 49% of the citizenry very definitely does not agree with the psychopaths in the WH, and the margin of victory was around 100,000 votes in one state and not millions. Furthermore, every measure of Administration popularity has been dropping steadily since Christmas. Reality is slowly overtaking propaganda, as it always does. Yes, a high percentage of the populace are superstitious and bigoted and generally a waste of perfectly good carbon, but when wasn't this the case, so...

    Second, you misread history if you think that there were ever some bygone, halcyon days when the average American whiled away his leisure time by wading though Tacitus and debating Clauswitz with his friends over a beer (swilled or otherwise.) Never happened. However, popularized histories have always made it into the mass markets, from Shakespeare to Spielberg.

    Third, I for one have nothing but nice things to say about the ogling of porn, but as to NASCAR, I must admit, how anyone can pay rapt attention to hour after hour of left turns stumps me.

  3. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Well, now, picture those track curves on Rosario Dawson, and... Never mind--;)

  4. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Those who have collaborated with the Chimp administration are no better than those who have taken an active role in subverting our system of self-governance.

    Fortunately, history has already given them a name, and it's a pretty disgusting one....... Quislings.

    We should start referring to them as such...for example, Cong. Robert Ney (Q - OH), Cong. Melissa Hart (Q - PA), etc.

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Driftglass, capitalism does a wonderful job of distilling the tastes (opinions?) of a people. Polls aside look at what people watch and listen to and read. The most popular TV news? FOX. The most popular talk/current events/politics related radio fare? Decidedly conservative, with the audience numbers for Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, O'Reilly, Ingraham and Reagan putting listeners to liberal fare to shame. As for books, an occasional liberal breaks out with a bestseller but books by conservatives populate the list by a wide margin most of the time. I say time and money are truer predictors of the sentiments of our citizens. This country spends more of its time and money reading, listening to or viewing conservative fare than liberal. Maybe we are close to a 50/50 split but the liberal 50% does not show nearly the interest in current events and politics if consumption of information is a benchmark.

  6. Anonymous4:33 PM

    It's the increasing separation between reality and perception that really grabs my attention. We should be if not the best educated generation in America, at least the best informed. But we're not, mostly because of the commodification of information by the five or six mega-corporations that control the mass media, and what little information dribbles through dries up immediately on the hot asphalt of willful ignorance practiced by the majority of U.S. "citizens." (I use the word citizens hesitatingly because it implies participation in democracy, and yet so few do.) And what really gets my knickers in a twist is the threat of the idea that somehow it is OK to invade Iraq, because, what, you really think that I'm actually going to WALK to the mall?

    Someone said that the world to the sensitive is a tragedy, whereas the world to the thinking is a comedy. It's a tragic comedy to me, and most days I don't know whether to laugh or cry anymore. The worst part of it is I don't know what to say to my young daughter. She loves the American flag and her country, and yet her daddy wonders daily what happened to it over the last four years...

  7. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Ever so often I'll wander the web to see what the other side is saying, in much the same way I'll occasionally drive through a bad neighborhood to see if that crack house is still standing, or if the crazy lady with the painted roof and 45 cats has been institutionalized. Before the release of the Downing Street Memo, I visited a site run by an ex-pat Pole living Down Under, and got into a lengthy argument about Bush lies. I didn't acquit to my satisfaction, and moreover completely failed to persuade the righties of Bush's bullshit.

    They don't believe Bush lied; or if they do, they they won't admit it.

    The Kool-aid drinkers have too much invested in their boy to ever return to reality. The question isn't "if a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?", the question is "if when you're chainsawing a tree in the woods, it falls and crushes your spine, what do you say to the person who recommends that you being more careful?" Apparently, "Bush is Gawd's Chosen One."


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