
Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Black Hole where the press used to be

This via Steve Gilliard got me to thinking...

Dr. Hager's Family Values


When Hager's nomination to the FDA was announced in the fall of 2002, his conservative Christian beliefs drew sharp criticism from Democrats and prochoice groups. David Limbaugh, the lesser light in the Limbaugh family and author of Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging Political War Against Christianity, said the left had subjected Hager to an "anti-Christian litmus test." Hager's valor in the face of this "religious profiling" earned him the praise and lasting support of evangelical Christians, including such luminaries as Charles Colson, Dr. James Dobson and Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham.

Back at Asbury, Hager cast himself as a victim of religious persecution in his sermon. "You see...there is a war going on in this country," he said gravely. "And I'm not speaking about the war in Iraq. It's a war being waged against Christians, particularly evangelical Christians. It wasn't my scientific record that came under scrutiny [at the FDA]. It was my faith.... By making myself available, God has used me to stand in the breach.... Just as he has used me, he can use you."

Up on the dais, several men seated behind Hager nodded solemnly in agreement. But out in the audience, Linda Carruth Davis--co-author with Hager of Stress and the Woman's Body, and, more saliently, his former wife of thirty-two years--was enraged. "It was the most disgusting thing I've ever heard," she recalled months later, through clenched teeth.

According to Davis, Hager's public moralizing on sexual matters clashed with his deplorable treatment of her during their marriage. Davis alleges that between 1995 and their divorce in 2002, Hager repeatedly sodomized her without her consent. Several sources on and off the record confirmed that she had told them it was the sexual and emotional abuse within their marriage that eventually forced her out. "I probably wouldn't have objected so much, or felt it was so abusive if he had just wanted normal [vaginal] sex all the time," she explained to me. "But it was the painful, invasive, totally nonconsensual nature of the [anal] sex that was so horrible."


Sex was always a source of conflict in the marriage. Though it wasn't emotionally satisfying for her, Davis says she soon learned that sex could "buy" peace with Hager after a long day of arguing, or insure his forgiveness after she spent too much money. "Sex was coinage; it was a commodity," she said. Sometimes Hager would blithely shift from vaginal to anal sex. Davis protested. "He would say, 'Oh, I didn't mean to have anal sex with you; I can't feel the difference,'" Davis recalls incredulously. "And I would say, 'Well then, you're in the wrong business.'"

By the 1980s, according to Davis, Hager was pressuring her to let him videotape and photograph them having sex. She consented, and eventually she even let Hager pay her for sex that she wouldn't have otherwise engaged in--for example, $2,000 for oral sex, "though that didn't happen very often because I hated doing it so much. So though it was more painful, I would let him sodomize me, and he would leave a check on the dresser," Davis admitted to me with some embarrassment. This exchange took place almost weekly for several years.

As Hager began fielding calls from the White House personnel office in 2001, the stress in the household--and, with it, the abuse--hit an all-time high, according to Davis. She says she confronted her husband on numerous occasions: "[I said to him,] 'Every time you do this, I hate your guts. And it blows a bridge out between us that takes weeks, if not months, to heal.'" She says that Hager would, in rare instances, admit what he had done and apologize, but typically would deny it altogether.


Linda Davis chose not to bring allegations of marital rape into her divorce proceedings; her foremost desires at the time were a fair settlement and minimal disruption for her sons. Nonetheless, she informed her lawyer of the abuse. Natalie Wilson, a divorce attorney in Lexington, asked Linda to draw up a working chronology of her marriage to Hager. "[It] included references to what I would call the sexual abuse," Wilson explained. "I had no reason not to believe her.... It was an explanation for some of the things that went on in the marriage, and it explained her reluctance to share that information with her sons--which had resulted in her sons' being very angry about the fact that she was insisting on the divorce."

As for David Hager, after repeated attempts to interview him for this story, we finally spoke for nearly half an hour in early April. That conversation was off the record. "My official comment is that I decline to comment," he said.

Mr Gilliard concludes:

"So let me get this: he would fuck his wife up the ass, call it a mistake, then pay her? Because he got confused?

And this is who Bush wants to have the government advise it on women's health.

I mean, didn't it matter his wife didn't like anal sex? Especially when he raped her like a child molester in prison?

My basic question is what the fuck is wrong with this guy? I mean, he could have found a mistress who liked oral and anal sex and his wife would have gone along. What is all this shit with the anal rape and the money?

Also, does the Bush administration vet anyone? Ever?"

-- End of Mr. Gilliard's comments. --

* * * *

OK, so let’s stipulate that David Hager has the all the hallmarks of a typical high profile Bush Nominee: to wit, he was 170 lbs. of ambulatory offal. A morally and/or sexually warped slab of rotten meat not just unqualified, but uniquely unqualified for the post to which he has been nominated.

And page-by-page it followed the same tired You-Must-Be-Shitting-Me Bush nomination playbook. Specifically, a lavish and mindless defense mounted by the infinitely reprogrammable Golem of the Religious Right: that Reliable Fucktard Militia, trained to hold themselves ferociously blind to facts of any kind – no matter how staggering -- that might conflict with the pronouncements of Dear Leader. Always painting anyone standing in their Shining Path as Christ-hating traitors at 100,000 decibels.

In other words, another one. Another scandal. Another mortifying embarrassment. Another one.
Yet another one.
Yet another fucking one.

Let’s make a little list, shall we?

Not exhaustive – not even really extensive – but just a little, off-the-top-of-my-head list (And FYI, there must be something abroad in the land. I was over at Atrios and found this link to another list of Crimes Against The Truth and Sins Against Journalism thing. How cool! Who knows? Maybe we’ve at long last collectively crossed one a’ them tipping point/critical mass thingies.)

Dick Cheney and a cabal of oil lobbyists rewrites US Energy Policy behind closed doors. When asked, declares the whole this Top Secret.

Bush ignoring warning of an imminent terrorist attack.

Bush lying about the predicate for taking the nation to war.

Bush lying in the State of the Union Address about Niger, Uranium and Iraq.

Bush sacking the one man who told him the truth about the real costs and risks of Iraq.

The Downing Street memo: a smoking gun showing the Bush plan to invade Iraq was a “go” in 2002, and intelligence was being cherry-picked, massaged and deliberately misread to justify a war Bush had already decided to wage. A war that had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.

Tom Ridge’s astonishing admissions that mysterious “others” had basically coerced him into jacking up the Terror Alerts during the run-up to the 2004 election. During which time he publicly swore that no political influence

Voter suppression. Not Diebold stuff, just bread-and-butter corruption.

Swift Boat Liars.

Jeff Gannon – criminal manwhore – loose in the press room as a Bush Administration shill for two years. Regurgitating GOP talking points and calling it “reporting” under his nom de whore. Being leaked classified intel regarding active CIA agents and the timing of the invasion of Iraq.

Tom DeLay and his 1,001 grotesque sins and crimes, from defrauding Native Americans to being in the pay of foreign governments, to criminally redrawing the Texas Electoral map, to extorting the House to rewrite the rules just for him.

Torture as Policy. Secret trials. “Extraordinary Rendition.”

Promoting the author of our new Torture policy to Attorney General.

Presidential Medals of Freedom for Everyone.

Bernie Kerik.

John Bolton.

Dick Cheney’s Halliburton – Known War Profiteers who just scored a sweet $72 million bonus.

Social Security lies, lies and more lies.

We will be greeted as Liberators.

Cake walk.

Slam dunk.

A few regime dead-enders.

And now, David Hager.

You probably have your own list that you can bullet-point at parties, and there’s certainly some overlap, but let’s take a breath and look at the overall picture these individual crimes pointillistically create.

What do they have in common?

A fuck-you contempt for democracy that is truly breathtaking, but that’s no surprise.

A tantrum-throwing derision for fact and causality rarely found outside of DT sufferers, sociopaths and four-year-olds, but that’s no surprise.

An unbroken string of scandals breaking now almost daily over life-and-death issues, any one of which would have resulted in a knee-jerk reflex launching of yet another Special Prosecutor investigation had it involved anyone named “Clinton”, but Republicans of the modern age are either Elmer Gantry or whore and hypocrites of the First Water, so that’s no surprise.

No, the biggest surprise – the wheelman for this vast, criminal enterprise – the one that they’ll be studying in the history books a century from now is the complete and utter failure of the American Press at virtually every level. That’s the one for which I must admit I was unprepared.

In my own Capra-colored way, I always assumed that buried deep in the machinery of our Fourth Estate was a rectifyer that would kick in when we found ourselves up against it. Something in the DNA that would let at least a few of them rise up and take on the Enemy especially when that Enemy took up residence in the White House.

But they didn't. The went down quietly, easily. With no struggle at all they laid down their arms and became capitulators, these spineless Sunshine Journalists who were so slavering seven short years ago.

Remember? Such a ravening wolfpack they were before Rove learned how deeply cowardly and easily cowed they are. Back when they were pounding the shit out of the Clinton Administration so unremittingly. Fairly sometimes, unfairly much more often, but relentlessly. Daily. Sometimes hourly.

And for the last five years...nothing. An article here, an editorial there but in the end...nothing.

A few toadies I could understand, and you can't really count the Limbaughs and Foxes and CNNs of the world who are, of course, simply propagandists not really media in any sense of the word. But whatever happened to all the rest?

Saying that they are gutless for a whole cornucopia of reasons is correct but insufficient. That doesn’t get at the details.

Why? Why, specifically, is this happening? This passes mere incompetence and laziness by light years. Has every single reporter on the national stage been topped on film by Jeffy Gannon? Have they all been caught on video making the beast with two backs with goats and children?

Does anyone out there have any contact with the working press who could perhaps shed some clear light on why Journalism is so abruptly and thoroughly dead?

This is a Total News Embargo on anything negative having anything to do with the Administration taken to such an absurdly lap-doggish extreme that the gargantuan abyss where the Press used to be is practically screaming.

How bad is it? Well, what do you think future generations will make of the fact that with little more than publicly available video clips and clever writing, John Stewart makes better ratings and tell more pure truth in any given four minutes of what is clearly labeled "Fake News" than the Empires of Mainstream Media can manage with a multi-billion dollar budget, a global infrastructure, and a 100,000 Klieg lights, satellites and pairs of hands?

There is nothing in modern history short of the collapse of the Soviet Union with which I can compare it for the scope and speed at which the implosion came, and in the great halls and palaces of Big Media we are left only with trivia and circuses. They have fallen, and they are never coming back.

Viewed within its own context, this self-inflicted crime against democracy is more insidious and more poisonous than any frontal assault any terrorist group could possibly mount.

But viewed against the scrim of the all-out press gangbang that ran 24/7/365 during the Clinton Presidency this lethal, deliberate and consipicuous conspiracy of silence is without a doubt the Story of the Decade.

Maybe of Story of the Century.

Would that there was a Free Press who would report it.


  1. Sigh. I used to think the media was just cowed and feckless, now I think they're simply co-opted by the lusts of their corporate masters.

  2. You forgot to mention the time they blew the cover of Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA agent whose specialty was WMD intelligence-gathering.

  3. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Consider this....just about any "journalistic" outfit you've ever heard of is part of a corporation. Corporations are groups of individuals joining together to engage in profitable enterprise. The management of a corporation has a fiduciary duty to its shareholders to operate the business in a profitable manner. If sucking up to the Administration will make the most profit, management is duty-bound to drop to its knees and start slurping. Not that there's anaything wrong with either accept it as a way of life or you get out of the corporate world.

    When Clinton was under siege, there was plenty good money to be made trotting out the salacious details. You can't get ratings (and profits) by solemnly intoning that this is a private matter with no bearing on the President's ability to govern. The big money is in the semen-stained blue dress, and breathless descriptions of a friendly game of "Hide The Cigar."

    As we all know, 9/11 changed everything....but it didn't change the conceept of fiduciary responsibility. The management of Disney, and News Corp, and GE, and WB/Viacom/Infinity (or whoever they're sleeping with these days) continued to have the same enforceable legal obligation to their shareholders....maximize profits.

    But in the post 9/11 world, attacks on the Administration were not about to have big sponsors (i.e., other corporations with the same profit mandate) lining up to describe the Emperor's increasingly evident lack of wardrobe. And the news organizations, being dependent on corporate largesse, weren't about to upset the applecart on the most Corporate-friendly president since Herbert Hoover. So it's easy to see why boardroom policies became newsroom realities.

    "What of the reporters?", you ask. Surely those ink-stained wretches would have the professional integrity to stand up for journalistic ethics, even when (especially when) those ethics were in direct conflict with the corporate fiduciary duty!

    Sadly, no. Not if they wanted their stock options to blossom and grow on the shores of Nantucket. The highest levels of journalism are rife with this conflict of interest. When you are overpaid beyond imagining, the goose who lays the golden eggs is your friend. When you cross the line from "journalist" to "teevee personality", you leave behind the duty to serve and inform the public. Instead, you join your bosses on their knees at the corporate suckfest. Because the spew is pure gold, and you want your share.

    I propose that SDX (The Society of Professional Journalists) or some other body devise a credentialing scheme similar to the American Meteorological Society, whereby a reporter could use the title "Certified Journalist" as part of his or her byline. It works for weathermen, and in fact, the weather guy or gal is likely the only person in TV news who is demonstrably qualified to do his or her job, because the AMS has reviewed his/her creddentials. Why not the same for reporters? Pass a test on ethics, declare that you have no financial interest in the popularity of the news, etc. I don't want to see government decide who can and can't be reporters....the State shouldn't be involved at all. But when I see a story by a "Cerfied Professional Journalist" I will have some assurance that the facts are facts, and haven't been pumped full of hype-ola to bolster some ass-hat's portfolio. (Hey, I never mentioned Tweety by name.....)

    Heinlein or Asimov described such a scheme.....some reporters were called "Winchells", which was shorthand for an unethical sheet-sniffing scandalmonger. I know you know this one, Drifty...

  4. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I had the same thought about certifying journalists. As far as I know though, you're the first to put it in print, so you win. Excellent idea, even if you get the credit.

    Another thought that occurred to me when looking at Driftglass's list. I'm not good enough at Photoshop to do it myself, but maybe someone would like to take a stab. What you do is take every single nasty thing that BushCo has done (lies, incompetence, etc.) and make a Photoshop text field out of it. Different colors, different fonts, different sizes. Then you put them on a background at different angles, perhaps overlapping with enough transparency to read the one behind. Just keep adding to it.

    I would call it A Tapestry Of Lies. It would make a great poster and a nifty piece of "art". Needless to say whoever does it should make it possible to see it online and send in more points. Otherwise you may wind up with the old "Oh yeah! How could I have forgotten THAT one!" syndrome.

    Just a thought in case anyone is reading this.

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Sorry, Drfitglass old boy, you ARE the press now. The internets are the only place that reports what is really happening, because you and Steve and Atrios and Kos and everyone else does not have the corporate ties that bind.

    Thank you for defining your role as a blogger- to simply tell the truth. You have proven yourself capable of doing so, and are now a Certified Memeber of the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy (TM).

  6. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Great, if depressing, commentary. I've wondered the same things myself, such as what happened to the media packs that salivated over Clinton's BJ? Have they been neutered by the republicans? The truth is that corporations own everything, and who is buttering their bread, offering them tax breaks and covering their asses when it turns out they cooked the books? The current administration, of course! That's why the media went after Clinton so doggedly...and that's why they aren't touching Bush. It's sad and unfortunate, but it's the truth. Let's just hope the American Taliban can be held in check, because if they can't, they'll be coming after the bloggers next.

  7. Anonymous2:30 PM

    The problem is really that the news CANNOT be a for-profit industry. Obviously, they care more about "ratings" and making money than geniunely informing the people and it's destroying democracy.

  8. roxtar,
    Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" I believe, with a 'winchell' as a catagory. Also in "Time Enough for Love" (or one of the Howard Famliy stories) the press was regulated to the extent that the emotional content and/or volatility of the words they used was kept in check. I like the idea generally.
    We had kind of a level playing field for years with the Fairness Doctrinem, which was one of the Reagan Admin's first targets. Less than a year after they let broadcasters off the hook for providing actual "Fair & Balanced" coverage, Limbaugh was off an running.

    I'm shootin' pool, Fats. when I'm done, you can shoot.
    Love that movie :-) And the Color of Money, shot right around here...

    Interesting idea, having our own Liberal Bayeux Tapestry documenting the travesties large and small.
    I'm picturing a Progressive Quilting Bee...
    And hey, somebody makes it, and I'll post it.

    us blues,
    I humbly await my secret decoder ring.

    I'd have to disagree to the extent that anyone posits that a solid news outlet can't be profitable. Used to be that news was a social obligation and a matter of pride, so the networks didn't mind it operating at a loss. Then the entertainment side took them over and forced them to become profit centers and we've reaped the whirlwind ever since.
    But in a weird/happy triumph of the markeplace, I think Jon Stewart shows that the all-but-complete elimination serious news has actually created a market for it in which people are willing to pay for a certified, Bullshit-free product.

    That's the theory -- and a very likely one -- but I'd like to hear the details from the working press. Someone who, say, pitched the Gannon Story -- a dream story if ever there was one. A story which has EVERYTHING -- and got shot down. Are the reporters self-censoring? Are editors and/or owners actively gutting every item that would make Dear Leader look like the oaf he is?

    Details are what makes the narrative come alive.

  9. See Billmon's photoshop : he has the whole gang on trial at The Hague


  10. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Drift, make sure this is available in the archives. It's a great ammo dump.

  11. Roxtar, I think you're paddling a little too hard to explain away a false inconsistency in terms of news media respect for/sucking up to the presidential office pre- and post-9/11. Look at treatment of Bush pre-9/11 and even pre-election 2000, and it's pretty clear that the media has been consistently pro-Republican, because the Republicans are consistently pro-corporation. It's as simple as that. The whole sucking-up-to-the-preznit thing is just a smokescreen for their real agenda of advancing and consolidating Republican/corporate power.

    Certifying reporters would be nice, but meaningless without certification of editors and publishers as well, and even then I'm sure they'd game the shit out of it.

    And yeah, a return to the Fairness Doctrine would be grand, if there was a way to prevent "balance" from being defined as, say, Coulter vs. Lieberman.

  12. Anonymous6:40 PM


    Granted, the networks' nuts are firmly in the corporate pocket. But as Drifty reminds us, news used to be above the fray, operated at a loss for the prestige of having a quality news operation. When the bean counters got control of the news divisions, the die was cast. But the rabid "politics of personal destruction" that characterized the Clinton years proved to be a money-maker. Chimpy's election was followed by a honeymoon (and, not-so-suprisingly, an extended news cycle which was, in retrospect, pretty damn dull). As there was nothing to drive ratings (and therefore, profits), 9/11 created a golden opportunity for the news biz. They had a hero, they had a villian and they had a crisis; the classic elements of storytelling. And that story line, that arc, has continued to be played out for the past three and a half years. Sold out performances, week after week. It's like fucking West Side Story, and the investors are whistling the overture and counting their profits.

  13. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one, roxtar. There is no way the media would pass up a story about a gay hooker in the White House (and where such a story could potentially lead, with some digging) if they were purely concerned with ratings & profits. Moreover, the low esteem that journalists are held in today suggests to me that there is a palpable hunger in America for straight news, that people sense that they're not being told everything. I believe that the first network to tap into that pent-up demand would clean up.

    Certainly, they could be too obtuse to realize the opportunity, but I still think it's a much simpler explanation to say that propaganda is in fact their job.

    I really hope I'm wrong and you're right, because there would at least be a *chance* that The Magic Of The Free Market could force the news media to start doing their jobs again. Otherwise we're stuck with Pravda in perpetuity.

  14. Anonymous7:52 PM

    It's the end of News networks any way. The Web Logs are gaining more notariety, we're getting closer to live broadcast of events every year. It won't be long before someone does a live broadcast of a major new event and everyone will flock to the Internet to do it.

    And, in case no one's noticed, who's in charge of News these days? Not news men and women. But the show people! Script writers and producers.
    When they actually have enough, it may not mean a thing any more.
    For that, I smile with quiet patience.

  15. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Well, Eli, you've got me on the Gannon story. I can't explain the absence of interest in a bombshell like that one.....I guess nobody wants the Pulitzer Prize anymore.....

  16. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Its easy to determine the motivation behind the media oligopoly's one sided reporting. Take a look at the boards of directors.

    Tobacco execs, military industry, Pro-isreali groups, and bankers, lots and lots of bankers.

    Don't forget to take a look at cross-directorships. I read someplace (The Nation?) that the Forture 1000 companies have only 155 different directors. In other words, the media companies are controlled by the directors of the 1000 largest businesses in the USA.

    Anyone want to lay odd that over 50% are Bush "Pioneers"?

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