
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Scott McClellan delivers some fresh apple pie.

During the Clinton Administration, the White House worked closely with Republican Leaders to find “compromise” candidates that would be considered acceptable by both sides. The White House took the advice of professional legal and judicial organizations that had weighted in on the matter of judicial qualification, as had been the standard practice for decades.

For all of their bipartisan troubles, the Clinton Administration had 35% of all nominees blocked by Senate Republicans, who used cowardly “holds”, which meant they could hide from pubic scrutiny and never had to use a filibuster. This meant that 35% of all Clinton nominees never got an up-or-down vote.

By contrast, the “Uniter, not Divider” Bush Administration has dispensed with any pretext of cooperation and bipartisanship, and have make a public decision to stock these lifetime position the most extreme ideologues that they could find.

By contrast, the Bush Administration has pointedly ignored the recommendations of legal professional organization (that have members of all political persuasions.) And by virtue of their successful blockade of 35% of the Clinton nominees during the 1990’s, they actually have far more slots available to fill than they deserve.

By contrast, Democrats have approved 96% of all Bush nominees, and have blocked only 4%. The sniping-from-camouflage weapons the GOP used when they blocked 35% of Clinton’s nominee are not available, since and "compromise" is just another big, hard-to-pronounce-four-letter-word at the White House, the Dems are left with no alternative but the filibuster the worst of the worst. And to do forthrightly and publicly, instead of assassinating democracy while skulking in the cloakroom, fearful of being found out.

And what does the White house have to say about this contrast?

Well, not surprisingly they simply lie their fucking asses off, knowing that the spineless MSM and the craven Moderates are so completely gutted, leashed, neutered and pussywhipped that Minister of Information McClellan could walk among them rubbing their faces in individual servings of fresh, steaming offal from downer cows and they’d all smile their big, obedient smiles and say how mighty fine the fresh apple pie tastes.

Want proof? Here is from today’s briefing via First Draft via Atrios (enraged emphasis added):

Q What does the President think of this offer by Harry Reid and by Senator Biden for a deal on judges, that if the President were to maybe relent on some of the most, in their minds, most conservative judges, that they'd be willing to work out a compromise and approve some of the President's nominees that have been either deadlocked or filibustered?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think our view is that Senate Democrats need to stop playing politics and give all judicial nominees an up or down vote.

(And again, the devastating follow-up.)

Q Did you think the Republicans were playing politics when nominees when the Clinton folks had problems getting their nominees through?
MR. McCLELLAN: What has happened in this Senate is unprecedented. There has not been a situation like this, where members of one party have blocked nominees from even receiving an up or down vote on the floor.

He said, as his big liar pants just burst into flames.


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    And may I say AMEN! I rarely check the news online while I'm at work because it's really wrong to scream and yell at work. And every news story that has come out of Washington since January, 2001 has me screaming and yelling.

  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Why doesn't Scotty just open every briefing with the following:

    "Folks, it has come to my attention that you are, collectively, both the biggest bunch of craven-ass cowards and the biggest bunch of ignorant fucktards to have ever come down the pike. Consequently, I will be responding to each of your questions by flailing my arms over my head and shouting 'Jibaree! Jibaroo!'. Your stories have already been written and will be distributed on CD in Word and Word perfect for publication in tomorrow's morning editions."

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