...will star Attorney General Jon Stewart

Well I figure by about 2012 we’ll be watching our own “Survivor: Truth and Reconciliation Committee” on CourtTV.
Cheney will be frozen like a Disney-cicle in a Swiss vault, waiting to be thawed out by the next cancerous lump of fascisti that needs a solid bass player. Bush will be a blotchy, drunken Pinochet living virtually alone his Texas compound, protected by the largest contingent of Praetorian Secret Service agents in history. His alternately rambling, maudlin and cornered-rat-vicious “sermons” on his Presidential Goodtime Gospel Hour teevee show are all that anyone hears from him anymore.
Meanwhile D.C. lawyers are trying to figure out if there is any way to pierce the protection of the Presidential Pardons Bush doled out to everyone that ever worked for him like cheap, plastic “Who Moved My Cheese?” key-chains at a corporate picnic.
Assistant D.A. Chelsea Clinton comes up with clever the idea of “rendering” the likes of Richard Perle -- the corpulent Baron Harkonnen of the collapsed Neocon Junta – and the rest of the regime survivors of the Dark Years off to some friendly country where the wishes of the former head of the Bush Family Crime Syndicate are not taken to be serious or binding just because “Boss W” was Preznit at the time he issued the decree.
The shattered remnants of the Republican Parti rally to protest that grabbing someone off the street and taking them away to a foreign country to end-run around the protections of Constitutionally-guaranteed due process is UnAmerican. Or unfair. Or unjust. Or something.
At which point, the digital Rhetoric Comparator Gauge that the law required be implanted in every politician buries the needle in the red, and the implanted “I’m A Giant Hypocrite” alarms (also mandatory) start going off of like an air raid sirens.
And Attorney General Jon Stewart just laughs and laughs.
Bush and Co. will be in an international prison in the Hague, because we'll re-establish proper international relationships after we are rid of these vermin. But I love notion of "what the world will be like when we take our country back."
ReplyDeleteIs this fantasy or sci-fi? It has a Dickian quality to it, drifty... fan of P.K.D., are we?
Jeffraham Prestonian,
ReplyDeleteBig fan. Big, big.
Did you see that "Scanner Darkly" is being made into a movie.
Somewhere buried deep in the blogosphere are comments I made prior to the invasion of Iraq, in which I said-someday GWB will be hunkered down in a deeply buried bunker at the Crawford ranch with his head buried in his hands, alternately whimpering and mumbling to himself "I only did what they told me to".
ReplyDeleteRight, like Jon Stewart will live to see 2012.
ReplyDeletePsst! Stay away from planes, Jon!!!
'Bout time you got a blog of your very own, drifty! Excellent stuff top to bottom!
Your page loaded really quick for all the content and images I'm impressed