
Friday, July 13, 2007

The Face of the 27%

(h/t Crooks & Liars)

This is Chris Vucovich.

He is a contemptible little fraction of a man who decided to get into Cindy Sheehan’s business.

Loyal Bushie, adamantly pro-Empire, who has 1,001 greasy, sputtering reasons why he, personally, should not have to go and fight in his Dear Leader’s Excellent War. One of millions of pasty little wingnut talking point Pez dispensers who, for some unfathomable reason, a just and righteous God has not blown into clouds of urine, jerky and stupid with slices of precision guided lightening.

And he was dealt with just right.

Never back down from these fuckers. Never let their lies, their bloody complicity, their cowardice and their hypocrisy go unchallenged. Nothing less than the fate of our nation depends on driving the Chris Vucovichs into the cultural desert. And since his kind proudly refuses to either listen to reason or shut the fuck up, short of Divine retribution, humiliating them as publicly as possible by shining a loud, rebutting light on them is the most effective disinfectant to their lying treachery.

Pity the nutters don’t know about teh v-i-d-e-o c-a-m-e-r-a-s, and that they steadfastly refuse listen to their Mommy’s advice about going out with clean Underoos on their heads. Because Mr. Vucovich gets his shit all up his own nose, on camera and in living color.

Pretty good Rorschach Test too, because if you are looking for what is wrong with America, and can look on Chris Vucovich with anything but loathing, then look in the mirror, Bucko.

Because the problem is you.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Bright boy.

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    The guy starts with an insult and ends with an insult. He asks irrelevant questions and shouts over the top of those who say things he doesn’t want hear and can’t answer to. He claims that the military wouldn’t want him and claims he’d serve if asked, then freezes up when someone volunteers to drive him to the local recruiting station. His parting shot: “Y’awl juss stoopid!”

    Classic Chickenhawk 29%’er: Bush-worshipping, childish, belligerent, naive, undereducated, willfully ignorant and pathologically living in denial. Surprise, surprise.

    What an asshat.

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    It appears this backward-ass redneck is from Alabama. His home address is publicly available - I might send him a subscription to "cat fancy" or something.

  4. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Huzzah, driftie!

    You don't bring Ms. Manners to a dirty street fight.

    Check out FireDogLake for a TREX post and image on another one of these here GOPs - Grand Old Perverts.

    It is posted under tags for Uncle Tom's Closet, Family Values and GOP Ethics

    You'll know you've reached the promised land when you see a GOP male in whips, thigh-highs and leather answer the door with some small mammal stuck in his arse.

    Or, as driftglass so aptly puts it: "Never back down from these fuckers." Huzzah!

  5. Anonymous2:34 AM

    What a pussy. I know his kind well: talk big and let others take the risks.


    How can we repair the election systems to be certain those treacherous sons of bitches can NEVER steal another election? The Chimperor and Darth Cheney would not be running this country [off a cliff] if not for stolen elections.

    What will Iraq be like when we leave? Much the same war of all against all as it is now, but at least OUR fellow citizens won't be getting killed and maimed for Big Oil and the "defense" industry any longer. And yes, Busheviks, the sad fact is that a large portion of the Iraqis WOULD be better off if Saddam, rotten as he indisputably was, had remained in power. All those Iraqis who have been killed, maimed, displaced, and/or impoverished solely as a result of the war would be better off.

    Give the vets points for class in refraining from just smacking the feathers off that chickenhawk.

    And now for something completely different: I'm taking a week's vacation next week. Woohoo, extra hoo! :)

  7. Anonymous5:42 AM

    What an asshat.

    They don't want me to enlist. They want me to make money and be comfortable while others actually go fight. Cuz I'm special. My momma told me so. But I'll tell ya I'm ready to go, just don't ask me to sign up for real.

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    You don't really want this guy to enlist. Seriously.

    If you were stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan, would you truly want to live in close quarters with this jackass? And can you think of a single useful thing he could possibly contribute in such a situation? He--and every other chickenhawk I know of--would be nothing but burdens on the troops around them.

    The best you could hope for is that, upon deployment they'd be promptly killed. Probably by members of their own units.

    It doesn't matter that this @hole isn't in the service. It does matter that all he'd have to do to fit right in at the Bush White House is to put on a suit and tie.

    - Molly, NYC

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

    They are going crazy. JUST-FUCKING-CRAZY.

    With it all collapsing around their ears; with everything we warned them about now becoming unspinnable reality; with republicans starting to bail; their brains simply refuse to process it.

    It's like a reality breaker-switch. Constantly being "tripped" by the overload.

  10. Anonymous7:44 PM

    The Foghorn Leghorn version of this clip is available on youtube now.

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Mr V is also secretary of the Montgomery AL county republicans

    They must be so proud...


  12. Did he forget his bible that day?
