Saturday, February 04, 2012

Dear David Frum

Just to prevent any misunderstanding on the part of anyone on Team Romney who have mistaken your occasional expressions of faux horror at the shambling, Gorgon killbot your Party has become for an unwillingness to go immediately and enthusiastically back to work for the shambling, Gorgon killbot Party, have you considered just going all the way and renaming your Daily Beast column, "Please for the love of God and the Angel Moroni why won't Mitt Romney hire me already?!?" 

I mean, since it's loyalty first and everything else second with you guys anyway it won't cost you anything: you'll still be able to use your position to smuggle wingnut goofs like Ramesh Ponnuru and Ann Coulter back into mainstream acceptability (for which they will, in turn, owe you big once they get their own shows on CNN) and Andrew Sullivan has made it clear that he'll continue to drive ten thousand people to your site every day, rain or shine, no matter how big a fool you make of yourself, so what's to lose?

 Yours in Christ,


1 comment:

RobSPL said...

Best news of the day Sullivan after years of writing that an Obama win in 2012 would reform the GOP accidentally concedes it won't